
Code Sprint

Oliver Roick

Following our initial release, we’re happy to announce the first GeoKey Code Sprint coming up at the end of November in London. Join us for one day of food and fun, to help us grow GeoKey.

  • Help us shape the future of open mapping. GeoKey is an open source project and it’s community-led. Help shape the future of participatory mapping by building a mapping platform you would use yourself.
  • You can control your own geo data. GeoKey is an alternative to commercial mapping platforms. You can help communities to share data openly and securely, while retaining ownership and full control over your data.


Saturday the 29th of November, 2014


University College London, Pearson Building (room 101)


  • 9:30 Coffee
  • 10:00 Introduction to GeoKey and the coding challenges
  • 11:00 Commence Coding!
  • 13:00 Lunch Break
  • 16:00 Show & Tell
  • 17:00 Drinks

Who should come?

Developers or coders interested in:

  • Open mapping
  • Geolocation databases
  • Community project development

Feature wish list

Here’s a list of things we want to address during the code sprint.

  • Integration with Twitter: Twitter is a widely used way to share information about your current whereabouts. We want to enable GeoKey to read and post data from and to Twitter. Using a special Twitter handle for each participatory mapping project, Twitter users should be able to tweet their experiences to GeoKey. Vice versa, GeoKey should be able to tweet a link to one of their contributions.
  • Data import/export: Means to import and export data set from and to various widely used data formats is a crucial factor for the success of open data projects. GeoKey should be able to import and export data into CSV, KML, XML or similar.
  • Activity feeds: Contributors, moderators and project administrators want to know what happened in their projects recently. Let’s provide them with an overview of everything that happened since their last login: New contributions, discussions and uploaded media.

Sign-up at Eventbrite

Sign up through our Eventbrite page if you want to join.