Web API Docs Update comment



PATCH /api/projects/:project_id/contributions/:contribution_id/comments/:comment_id/

URL parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id Integer Unique identifier for the project.
contribution_id Integer Unique identifier for the contribution.
comment_id Integer Unique identifier for the comment.

PATCH body example

    "review_status": "resolved"


The response contains the comment that has been added to the contribution.

    "id": 361,
    "text": "They got Camden Hells!",
    "creator": {
        "id": 2,
        "display_name": "Oliver"
    "respondsto": null,
    "created_at": "2014-09-23T14:41:34.856Z",
    "isowner": true,
    "responses": [],
    "review_status": "resolved"

Response codes

Code Reason
200 The comment has been updated successfully.
403 The user authenticated with the request is not allowed to update the comment. (You have to be either creator of the comment or a moderator of the project)
404 The project, contribution or comment was not found. For security reasons we do not leak information about private projects, hence we don’t confirm existence private projects to unauthorised users.