Web API Docs Field response



Parameter Type Description
id Integer Unique identifier of the field.
name String Name of the field.
description String Detailed description of the nature of field.
key String The key of the field. Is used in API calls to identifiy the field.
required Boolean Indicates of this field is required, i.e. contributors have to provide a value.
fieldtype String Type of the field. One of TextField, NumericField, TrueFalseField, DateTimeField or LookupField
minval Number Optional, only available with NumericField. Minimum accepted value for this field.
maxval Number Optional, only available with NumericField. Maximum accepted value for this field.
textarea Boolean Optional, only available with TextField. Indicates if the field should be displayed as textarea.
maxlength Number Optional, only available with TextField. The maximum number if characters accepted for this textfield.
lookupvalues Array Optional, only available with LookupField. List of accepted values for this field.
order Integer The order in the list of fields.


    "id": 113,
    "name": "Name",
    "key": "name",
    "fieldtype": "TextField",
    "description": "The name of the restaurant",
    "status": "active",
    "required": true