Help Run Geokey in Apache

This guide walks you through the setup for running GeoKey in Apache using mod_wsgi. We assume that you have already installed GeoKey.

This guide shows you how to run GeoKey on a Ubuntu machine. We have prepared guides for the following additional systems:

Install Apache and mod-wsgi

sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi

Create directories for static files

We now create directories that are used to serve static files like images, CSS and JavaScript, also media uploaded by users.

  1. Head to Apache www directory

    cd /var/www

  2. Create a directory for GeoKey specific files

    sudo mkdir geokey

  3. Create directories for static files and assets uploaded by users

    sudo mkdir geokey/static

    sudo mkdir geokey/media

  4. Open your, e.g.

    sudo vim /home/django/runner/

  5. Add or change settings for static and media

    STATIC_ROOT = '/var/www/geokey/static/'

    STATIC_URL = '/static/'

    MEDIA_ROOT = '/var/www/geokey/media/'

    MEDIA_URL = '/media/'

  6. Collect static files from the Python packages (they will be automatically stored under /var/www/geokey/static/)

    cd /home/django/runner

    python collectstatic

    Depending on your user role, you might need to add temporarily writing permission to /var/www/geokey/static/.

  7. Finally, allow Apache to write to you media directory

    chgrp -R www-data /var/www/geokey/media/

    chmod -R 775 /var/www/geokey/media/

Configure Apache virtual host

We are going to use the default virtual host provided by the Apache installation. The same configuration can be applied to other virtual hosts on your system.

  1. Open the Apache configuration file in your text editor (we use vim, because it’s awesome):

    vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

  2. Add the following lines just below <VirtualHost *:80>:

    WSGIDaemonProcess geokey python-path=/home/django:/home/django/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages

    WSGIProcessGroup geokey

    WSGIScriptAlias / /home/django/

    WSGIPassAuthorization On

    This first line creates a new WSGI daemon that runs GeoKey in Apache. Its name (in our case geokey) can be anything, but you should use a descriptive name. The python-path directive contains both the path of your Django project and the path to the Python packages inside your virtual environment.

    The third line tells the virtual host to use the WSGI daemon we just created.

    The fourth line tells Apache and mod_wsgi where to find the WSGI configuration.

    The last line enables WSGI to pass authorisation credentials to the Django application. This is necessary, because Django would not be able to authenticate users otherwise.

  3. We then have to tell Apache where to find static and media files from your Django project (temember, we previously created these directories and copied the static files)

    Alias /static/ /var/www/geokey/static/

    <Location "/static/">

    Options -Indexes


    Alias /media/ /var/www/geokey/media/

    <Location "/media/">

    Options -Indexes


  4. To tell WSGI where to find configuration files for our Django project, open the WSGI configuration in your text editor

    sudo vim /home/django/runner/

  5. Add following line just below from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application

    import sys sys.path.append('/home/django/runner')

  6. Now restart the Apache

    sudo service apache2 restart

    Point your browser to your domain. You should see the admin landing page now.

Enabling YouTube upload

Videos are – by default – uploaded to your YouTube account.

  1. You will need to obtain YouTube API keys following this guide.

  2. Set the ENABLE_VIDEO flag in local_settings:


  3. The add the credentials to local_settings:


    YOUTUBE_AUTH_PASSWORD = 'password'

    YOUTUBE_DEVELOPER_KEY = 'xxxxxxxxxxx'


Enabling email

GeoKey uses email in various cases; for instance, when users want to reset their password. We therefore need to setup Postfix to send email from your server.

  1. First install Postfix

    apt-get update && apt-get install postfix

  2. Add a default email address that is used as sender for e-ails send by Django in local_settings