
Version 0.7 released

Oliver Roick

We are happy to announce the next release of GeoKey today. This release introduces subsets and improvements to existing features.


Subsets allow you to predefine views on data in a project based on a set of filters. Similar to the way you define what data a user group can access, you can select contributions based on categories or attribute values.

Subsets are applied on contributions API endpoint:

GET /api/projects/:project_id/contributions/?subset={subset_id}

The subset ID is provided via the project details.

Alongside implementing subsets we got rid of the separate endpoint for searching contributions. Instead, just like subsets, you can submit a search query by adding the query parameter to your request:

GET /api/projects/:project_id/contributions/?search={query_term}

Both subsets and search parameters can be combined, so you can search across subsets.

Redesign of project navigation

The main navigation through projects has been redesigned to simplify management of projects. You’ll find all the important links on top of the page now.

The new project navigation

More changes are documented in the change log.

Find out how to update GeoKey.